Source code for labelbox.schema.model_run

# type: ignore
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, Union, List, Optional, Any
from pathlib import Path
import os
import time
import logging
import requests
import ndjson
from enum import Enum

from labelbox.pagination import PaginatedCollection
from labelbox.orm.query import results_query_part
from labelbox.orm.model import Field, Relationship, Entity
from labelbox.orm.db_object import DbObject, experimental

    from labelbox import MEAPredictionImport

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModelRun(DbObject): name = Field.String("name") updated_at = Field.DateTime("updated_at") created_at = Field.DateTime("created_at") created_by_id = Field.String("created_by_id", "createdBy") model_id = Field.String("model_id") training_metadata = Field.Json("training_metadata")
[docs] def upsert_labels(self, label_ids, timeout_seconds=60): """ Adds data rows and labels to a Model Run Args: label_ids (list): label ids to insert timeout_seconds (float): Max waiting time, in seconds. Returns: ID of newly generated async task """ if len(label_ids) < 1: raise ValueError("Must provide at least one label id") mutation_name = 'createMEAModelRunLabelRegistrationTask' create_task_query_str = """mutation createMEAModelRunLabelRegistrationTaskPyApi($modelRunId: ID!, $labelIds : [ID!]!) { %s(where : { id : $modelRunId}, data : {labelIds: $labelIds})} """ % (mutation_name) res = self.client.execute(create_task_query_str, { 'modelRunId': self.uid, 'labelIds': label_ids }) task_id = res[mutation_name] status_query_str = """query MEALabelRegistrationTaskStatusPyApi($where: WhereUniqueIdInput!){ MEALabelRegistrationTaskStatus(where: $where) {status errorMessage} } """ return self._wait_until_done(lambda: self.client.execute( status_query_str, {'where': { 'id': task_id }})['MEALabelRegistrationTaskStatus'], timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
[docs] def upsert_data_rows(self, data_row_ids, timeout_seconds=60): """ Adds data rows to a Model Run without any associated labels Args: data_row_ids (list): data row ids to add to mea timeout_seconds (float): Max waiting time, in seconds. Returns: ID of newly generated async task """ if len(data_row_ids) < 1: raise ValueError("Must provide at least one data row id") mutation_name = 'createMEAModelRunDataRowRegistrationTask' create_task_query_str = """mutation createMEAModelRunDataRowRegistrationTaskPyApi($modelRunId: ID!, $dataRowIds : [ID!]!) { %s(where : { id : $modelRunId}, data : {dataRowIds: $dataRowIds})} """ % (mutation_name) res = self.client.execute(create_task_query_str, { 'modelRunId': self.uid, 'dataRowIds': data_row_ids }) task_id = res[mutation_name] status_query_str = """query MEADataRowRegistrationTaskStatusPyApi($where: WhereUniqueIdInput!){ MEADataRowRegistrationTaskStatus(where: $where) {status errorMessage} } """ return self._wait_until_done(lambda: self.client.execute( status_query_str, {'where': { 'id': task_id }})['MEADataRowRegistrationTaskStatus'], timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
def _wait_until_done(self, status_fn, timeout_seconds=120, sleep_time=5): # Do not use this function outside of the scope of upsert_data_rows or upsert_labels. It could change. original_timeout = timeout_seconds while True: res = status_fn() if res['status'] == 'COMPLETE': return True elif res['status'] == 'FAILED': raise Exception(f"Jop failed. Details : {res['errorMessage']}") timeout_seconds -= sleep_time if timeout_seconds <= 0: raise TimeoutError( f"Unable to complete import within {original_timeout} seconds." ) time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs] def add_predictions( self, name: str, predictions: Union[str, Path, Iterable[Dict]], ) -> 'MEAPredictionImport': # type: ignore """ Uploads predictions to a new Editor project. Args: name (str): name of the AnnotationImport job predictions (str or Path or Iterable): url that is publicly accessible by Labelbox containing an ndjson file OR local path to an ndjson file OR iterable of annotation rows Returns: AnnotationImport """ kwargs = dict(client=self.client, model_run_id=self.uid, name=name) if isinstance(predictions, str) or isinstance(predictions, Path): if os.path.exists(predictions): return Entity.MEAPredictionImport.create_from_file( path=str(predictions), **kwargs) else: return Entity.MEAPredictionImport.create_from_url( url=str(predictions), **kwargs) elif isinstance(predictions, Iterable): return Entity.MEAPredictionImport.create_from_objects( predictions=predictions, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid predictions given of type: {type(predictions)}')
def model_run_data_rows(self): query_str = """query modelRunPyApi($modelRunId: ID!, $from : String, $first: Int){ annotationGroups(where: {modelRunId: {id: $modelRunId}}, after: $from, first: $first) {nodes{%s},pageInfo{endCursor}} } """ % (results_query_part(ModelRunDataRow)) return PaginatedCollection( self.client, query_str, {'modelRunId': self.uid}, ['annotationGroups', 'nodes'], lambda client, res: ModelRunDataRow(client, self.model_id, res), ['annotationGroups', 'pageInfo', 'endCursor'])
[docs] def delete(self): """ Deletes specified Model Run. Returns: Query execution success. """ ids_param = "ids" query_str = """mutation DeleteModelRunPyApi($%s: ID!) { deleteModelRuns(where: {ids: [$%s]})}""" % (ids_param, ids_param) self.client.execute(query_str, {ids_param: str(self.uid)})
[docs] def delete_model_run_data_rows(self, data_row_ids: List[str]): """ Deletes data rows from Model Runs. Args: data_row_ids (list): List of data row ids to delete from the Model Run. Returns: Query execution success. """ model_run_id_param = "modelRunId" data_row_ids_param = "dataRowIds" query_str = """mutation DeleteModelRunDataRowsPyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: [ID!]!) { deleteModelRunDataRows(where: {modelRunId: $%s, dataRowIds: $%s})}""" % ( model_run_id_param, data_row_ids_param, model_run_id_param, data_row_ids_param) self.client.execute(query_str, { model_run_id_param: self.uid, data_row_ids_param: data_row_ids })
@experimental def assign_data_rows_to_split(self, data_row_ids: List[str], split: Union[DataSplit, str], timeout_seconds=120): split_value = split.value if isinstance(split, DataSplit) else split valid_splits = DataSplit._member_names_ if split_value not in valid_splits: raise ValueError( f"`split` must be one of : `{valid_splits}`. Found : `{split}`") task_id = self.client.execute( """mutation assignDataSplitPyApi($modelRunId: ID!, $data: CreateAssignDataRowsToDataSplitTaskInput!){ createAssignDataRowsToDataSplitTask(modelRun : {id: $modelRunId}, data: $data)} """, { 'modelRunId': self.uid, 'data': { 'assignments': [{ 'split': split_value, 'dataRowIds': data_row_ids }] } }, experimental=True)['createAssignDataRowsToDataSplitTask'] status_query_str = """query assignDataRowsToDataSplitTaskStatusPyApi($id: ID!){ assignDataRowsToDataSplitTaskStatus(where: {id : $id}){status errorMessage}} """ return self._wait_until_done(lambda: self.client.execute( status_query_str, {'id': task_id}, experimental=True)[ 'assignDataRowsToDataSplitTaskStatus'], timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds) @experimental def update_status(self, status: Union[str, "ModelRun.Status"], metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, error_message: Optional[str] = None): status_value = status.value if isinstance(status, ModelRun.Status) else status if status_value not in ModelRun.Status._member_names_: raise ValueError( f"Status must be one of : `{ModelRun.Status._member_names_}`. Found : `{status_value}`" ) data: Dict[str, Any] = {'status': status_value} if error_message: data['errorMessage'] = error_message if metadata: data['metadata'] = metadata self.client.execute( """mutation setPipelineStatusPyApi($modelRunId: ID!, $data: UpdateTrainingPipelineInput!){ updateTrainingPipeline(modelRun: {id : $modelRunId}, data: $data){status} } """, { 'modelRunId': self.uid, 'data': data }, experimental=True)
[docs] @experimental def update_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Updates the Model Run's training metadata config Args: config (dict): A dictionary of keys and values Returns: Model Run id and updated training metadata """ data: Dict[str, Any] = {'config': config} res = self.client.execute( """mutation updateModelRunConfigPyApi($modelRunId: ID!, $data: UpdateModelRunConfigInput!){ updateModelRunConfig(modelRun: {id : $modelRunId}, data: $data){trainingMetadata} } """, { 'modelRunId': self.uid, 'data': data }, experimental=True) return res["updateModelRunConfig"]
[docs] @experimental def reset_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Resets Model Run's training metadata config Returns: Model Run id and reset training metadata """ res = self.client.execute( """mutation resetModelRunConfigPyApi($modelRunId: ID!){ resetModelRunConfig(modelRun: {id : $modelRunId}){trainingMetadata} } """, {'modelRunId': self.uid}, experimental=True) return res["resetModelRunConfig"]
[docs] @experimental def get_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Gets Model Run's training metadata Returns: training metadata as a dictionary """ res = self.client.execute("""query ModelRunPyApi($modelRunId: ID!){ modelRun(where: {id : $modelRunId}){trainingMetadata} } """, {'modelRunId': self.uid}, experimental=True) return res["modelRun"]["trainingMetadata"]
[docs] @experimental def export_labels( self, download: bool = False, timeout_seconds: int = 600 ) -> Optional[Union[str, List[Dict[Any, Any]]]]: """ Experimental. To use, make sure client has enable_experimental=True. Fetches Labels from the ModelRun Args: download (bool): Returns the url if False Returns: URL of the data file with this ModelRun's labels. If download=True, this instead returns the contents as NDJSON format. If the server didn't generate during the `timeout_seconds` period, None is returned. """ sleep_time = 2 query_str = """mutation exportModelRunAnnotationsPyApi($modelRunId: ID!) { exportModelRunAnnotations(data: {modelRunId: $modelRunId}) { downloadUrl createdAt status } } """ while True: url = self.client.execute( query_str, {'modelRunId': self.uid}, experimental=True)['exportModelRunAnnotations']['downloadUrl'] if url: if not download: return url else: response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() return ndjson.loads(response.content) timeout_seconds -= sleep_time if timeout_seconds <= 0: return None logger.debug("ModelRun '%s' label export, waiting for server...", self.uid) time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs]class ModelRunDataRow(DbObject): label_id = Field.String("label_id") model_run_id = Field.String("model_run_id") data_split = Field.Enum(DataSplit, "data_split") data_row = Relationship.ToOne("DataRow", False, cache=True) def __init__(self, client, model_id, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(client, *args, **kwargs) self.model_id = model_id @property def url(self): app_url = self.client.app_url endpoint = f"{app_url}/models/{self.model_id}/{self.model_run_id}/AllDatarowsSlice/{self.uid}?view=carousel" return endpoint